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सबसे पहला Handshake किसने किया था? | श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण स्कन्ध 2 अध्याय-9 | BP33| Prashant Mukund Prabhu

#PrashantMukundPrabhu #bhagawatpravah #bhagavatam #bhagwat #bhagwatkatha Bhagwat Katha by Prashant Mukund Prabhu, Bhagawat Pravah Episode 33, Shrimad Bhagwat Katha स्कन्ध-2 Adhyaye 9 | Answers by Citing the Lord’s Version | प्रभु के संस्करण का हवाला देते हुए उत्तर
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Know about speaker of our Bhagawat Pravah Series
Prashant Mukund Das is disciple of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj (GBC ISKCON) Associated fulltime with ISKCON Dwarka. He holds degree of Bhakti Shahstri from ISKCON MIHE (Mayapur Institute of Higher Education in Vedic Scriptures) His Professional Education - B.Sc (Industrial Chemistry) Delhi University, MBA (Symbiosis institute) DPS from London college of management. He is Involved into Counselling as spiritual Guide to many families around world, He is famous Srimad Bhagavat Katha speaker can be seen on YouTube and TV Channel. He is appreciated always for his life management , time management , stress management seminars based on Bhagavad Gita and other Vedic scriptures to society, corporates, Hospitals and universities
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