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The Blind Saint - Bilva Mangal Thakur | Devotional Tales - 5 | HG Ravi Lochan Prabhu

#DevotionalTales #RaviLochanPrabhu #BilvaMangalThakur
जगन्नाथ जी की पान खाने की लीला
पहला प्रेम पत्र
पतित पावन जगन्नाथ
पापी से भक्त तक का सफर
Know your Speaker
Ravi Lochan Das is mentor, guide, motivational speaker and a profound mystic of our time.
His journey of Krishna Conciousness began at a very young age of nine years when he attended his first Prabhupada Program. By 2003, he started doing sixteen rounds of chanting. He is initiated by HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj and is serving for almost 20 years now.
Apart from being a Delhi University graduate, he has done "Diety Worship Course" from Mayapur Academy. He had primarily served as "Youth Counselor" in ISKCON Punjabi Bagh for almost 15 years along with Deity Worship, Hari-Naam Sankirtana, Book Distribution and performing Yajyas and is now serving as "Senior Preacher and Counselor" in ISKCON Dwarka.
He is a visionary and a humanitarian, other than being a prominent Spiritual leader. He is popular among devotees for his wide range of series of lectures and great depth of understanding for Srila Prabhupada Books.
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Saturday, March 26, 2022

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